The BMW i8s are starting to pop up here and there. We are now on the seventh i8 to grace our presence for upgrades and this was the fifth one to choose HRE's now super popular "iLectric blue" finish. This particular i8 is actually very unique as the owner had white vinyl wrap applied to the front and rear diffusers. He also opted for one off HRE Wheels P101s in a 22"x9" & 22"x10.5" which is a huge improvement over the stock bicycle tire and wheel setup. The finish looks like what BMW should have done since day one but that is what we are here for to innovate, reinvent, and make cars that are already amazing into real unique driving art.

As always let us know what you think!

Wheel Spec:
22"x9" 22"x10.5"
iLectric Blue

For more pictures:

BMW i8 the P101s in a 22x9 22x10.5 iLectric Bule