
There's more than one reason to have more than one dyno!
Each serves a specific purpose, and both have their own great attributes.

Double Trouble   |   LP580-2  AND  LP 610-4-img_4113-jpg

The Mustang MD-AWD-500 dynamometer is definitely the workhorse of our shop.
(on the LEFT under the white LP 610-4)
The mechanically linked rollers synchronize the front and rear wheel speeds, while the eddy current power absorbing unit simulates road load. This allows for the most precise measurement of power in a controlled environment which is hugely beneficial to our tuning process. The vast majority of the in-house tuning process for each new applications happens on the Mustang.

The Dynojet 224xLC dynamometer is no slouch by any means.
(on the RIGHT under the red LP 580-2)
The LC stand for "load control", combining the benefits of both an inertia type dyno with eddy current load absorption. With the capability to test up to 2,000 horsepower, at speeds up to 200 mph, there's almost no car we cant strap down. Dynojet has become somewhat of an industry standard for measuring and comparing as they are known to produce optimistic numbers. This will see some use for light duty testing, but mostly for producing our measured results on 2 wheel drive applications.

Using the expression "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link", the results of high performance tuning will only ever be as good as the equipment you use, and the experience/knowledge of the engineer using it. It's not uncommon for our test vehicles to see weeks, or even months of combined in-house and on-road testing utilizing dyno results and instrumented data logging. These efforts are what allows us to not only produce highly respectable power output for all of our products, but also ensure consistency and reliability across multiple applications and usage.

As our software and supercharger products gain more and more popularity in the Huracan community, we'd love to be resource for any questions you may have regarding performance testing and tuning. Feel free to post questions and comments below and we'll do our best to answer them as quickly and thoroughly as possible.