I can't believe we are almost rounding out March already!

The shop has been jam packed since the new year with lots of V10 goodies.

We had a couple out of state cars shipped to us for VF800 Supercharger installs...
We worked with the amazing team at Famous Autosports on their TWO VF800 equipped Huracan's for SHIFT S3CTOR...
and we just installed a brand new DynoJet 2 wheel drive in ground dynamometer...
(Can anyone guess what we're excited to strap down to that machine soon?!)

Last week we just wrapped up the install on this gorgeous Novitec / ADV.1 equipped Huracan:

2016 is off to a FAST start - VF Engineering *Supercharger Content*-img_2429-jpg 2016 is off to a FAST start - VF Engineering *Supercharger Content*-img_2430-jpg