So I was at a routine dental cleaning today and I had to reach for my phone to get some info and my doctor saw my screensaver has my Huracan on there. She asked that was my car and I found myself saying, oh no it's my dream car

Aside from the car circle (shows, C&C, etc) where people all share the love for cars, in many other situations it can be seen in negative ways. For example such as driving one to work, or showing it off by driving to your son's school just doesn't seem appropriate in today's economic world.

Do you guys find yourself keeping your Lambo a secret or if people ask, you openly state you have one?

Love to hear opinions from all the owners on here and perhaps list:

1) Occupation?
2) Age?
3) Location?
4) Admit you have the Lambo to strangers who ask?

Should be a fun poll to see how everyone feels about this sensitive subject....

I'll go first based on the template above:

1) Engineer
2) 40
3) NorCal
4) No, I tend to not disclose the fact I have a Lambo