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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Orange County

    Nyjah selling his Aventador in 1-2 years

    Nyjah selling his Aventador in 1-2 years
    So I found out Nyjah Huston (pro skater) is selling his 2012 Aventador on Craigslist. Only has like 11k miles on it, and he bought it pre owned with very little miles, but it seems he barely put any miles on the car himself.

    I think he bought the car in like Fall 2015 so he only had it for like 1-2 years and is already ready to sell, and with low miles at 11k. Is this some kind of strategy to sell his car before some major repair bill comes up, it almost feels like he knew how many miles he wanted to put on it and was gonna sell it right away.

    I chatted with him at a charity event and he told me he paid about $330k, and now it's on Craigslist for $325k. So if whatever amount he told is correct, could that really mean he only paid $5000 to own a Lamborghini for a year. But then I don't think it's sold yet. Not sure if he's trying to use his fame to sell the car and sell it for what he got it for, but is this realistic? I've seen other 2012 Lamborghini Aventadors with low miles go for like $270k.

    He bought it used so I think he's a person who is always looking for a deal. And when he told me about the car, he said it came with $20-30k in mods. But why would someone wanna sell their Lamborghini in a year of owning it. Is it because they don't drive it much because it's unpractical or to get as much money back and lose less money on the car?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Its only worth what someone will pay for it.

    Plus - who cares?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    You should definitely buy it!

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