Wow, what a day. My adrenaline is still pumping.

SO, I am no stranger to supercars as I currently own a beautiful white 458 Italia (which I love) but I've ALWAYS been fascinated by Lamborghini's. No I'm not one of those weird people that only loves Ferrari's I love ALL cars, although I might add that I'm only 25 so Lamborghini definitely matches my personality a little better haha.

Anyways, today I set up a test drive at my local Lamborghini dealership to try out both the Aventador and the Huracan. I'm a car addict and I've done my fair share of research so I had a good idea of what to expect going into it, but I have to say that most of my speculations were all confirmed.


I mean unless your soul purpose in buying a Lamborghini is to have scissor doors, then the Huracan is the clear winner here.

Immediately after test driving the Aventador, I stepped into the Huracan. First things first- The interior. MUCH better. I am 6'3" and I was SHOCKED at how much more room I had in the Huracan versus the Aventador. You would logically think that the Aventador would have more room because it is much larger, but this is not the case. The cabin is much more roomy in the Huracan and I felt extremely comfortable. Because of my 458 I'm very accustomed to having all of my controls on the steering wheel. I was happy to see that the Huracan incorporated the same logic. Its actually VERY convenient to have most of your controls on the steering wheel. I loved that the Huracan infotainment is 100% LED and the Nav & control system is very clean looking. The overall feel of the interior is amazing and futuristic.

Performance: This is where I was immediately able to pick sides. I test drove the Aventador in all 3 settings and floored it quite a few times. The acceleration is good, but I wasn't AMAZED. On paper the Aventador is supposed to be faster than my 458, but it really didn't feel faster at all to be completely honest. Now the Huracan on the other hand.... WOW. INSANE ACCELERATION. I daily drive my 458 and I could instantly notice a HUGE difference in acceleration from the Huracan. Especially right off the line. I'm sure the four wheel drive system helps a lot with this, but wow.... The huracan accelerates like a roller coaster on steroids. A roller coaster that I want to ride every minute of every day. The Huracan is loud and ferocious, I actually found it to be MUCH louder than the Aventador and the AV I drove was a roadster. The engine note is deep and angry and I loved every second of it. The snaps crackles and pops are absolutely beautiful and nothing can compare. The handling is amazing as well. The steering wheel feels wonderful in your hands and the car feels extremely agile. The Aventador felt "big" to me. Obviously it is a bigger car with a bigger engine, but it just felt "big" and the handling wasn't nearly as precise as the Huracan. Since I daily drive a 458, the Huracan is definitely more comparable in size, so that might just be something I would have to get used to if I chose to get an Aventador. However, I think the choice is clear.

Not only was the Huracan considerably faster than an Aventador, it was also more comfortable and had a much more visually appealing cabin. Sure, it doesn't have "scissor-doors" but thats not why I buy supercars. I buy fast cars because I enjoy driving fast, and I want something that I can use every day and enjoy as much as humanly possible.

I've got 3 options now:

1) Take over an order from a client that already put down a deposit and backed out. Its a Rosso Mars Huracan set to be produced in September. I don't know any other info at this time.

2) I could actually buy the demo Huracan that I drove at my dealer. They are getting a new one soon and this one just became available. I don't have a complete list of options but it is white with a black interior and it has the sports exhaust package (which I love). The car has 1,400 miles on it and I would get the car for sticker price MINUS the $12,000 charge for the sports exhaust, plus I would also have the wheels painted black (at my request) for free. So basically I would be getting a $14,000 discount on the sticker price. Not bad, but if all 1,400 miles were driven how I drove it then it might not be the best choice hahaha.

3) I could go in next week and order one from scratch and put down my $25,000 deposit. I wouldn't get my Huracan until November, but I could option it exactly how I please. Also a big plus- I would be getting one of the first 2016 Huracan's. I'm not sure if anything will change in the upcoming model year, but a newer car is always nice.

Anyways, this was my experience today and I felt like I needed to share! The Huracan really is as amazing as everyone says it is! After much thought I am starting to think that Lamborghini F'd up by making the Huracan as fast as it is... I mean why would they create a vehicle that OUTPERFORMS their flagship?

Your guess is as good as mine, but either way, I'm excited to join the team and become a Huracan owner soon!

- Fronz