is the system without the valves in stock and also any huracantalk member discounted pricing?
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is the system without the valves in stock and also any huracantalk member discounted pricing?
Lee, we currently have to build but as always, you definitely receive an H-Talk member discount from Fabspeed! I will PM you.
Just did 2000 miles in 4 days with plenty of spirited driving with the newly installed Fabspeed exhaust. I got to know this exhaust system extremely well.
Replaced the Lamborghini sports exhaust
I cannot give an apples to apples comparison as although I have heard other exhaust systems, I have not had the opportunity to drive someone else's car at the speeds I have driven mine.
Couple Observations/Helpful info:
1. Standing - This exhaust is loud. No video can possibly do it justice. You must hear it live. It crackles more, has a meaner cold start and has a deeper tone. If you want to make some noise, this thing sounds fantastic.
2. Low speeds - There is a drone, even in Strada. If you don't want to be loud, flashy and obnoxious, you should've bought a Tesla í ¾í´£
3. High speeds - They can hear you coming. I had several people trail me during very spirited driving, and they could tell when I'm going to slow down and when i'm going to accelerate by the sound alone. You can almost talk to people by controlling the endless crackles
Overall, I absolutely love this exhaust. If anyone is considering this exhaust, I highly recommend it.
Ask me anything,
I've heard Matt's car in person, best sounding exhaust I've ever heard on a Lamborghini! Its loud! But the sound and crackles are amazing!