Without all the hate and casting shade, has anyone had experience with the vertical door kits for the Huracan? I am considering the vertical doors and want to know how stable they are? I know haters are going to tell me I should buy the Aventador if I want those doors and I've seen some others malign the idea of the vertical doors, but what I want is some input from someone who actually has them installed and what they feel the pros and cons are. Frankly I can't afford the Aventador and like the look of the Huracan. I just want to hear from someone who has had these installed. I also would like to know if you would do it again or if you have had remorse after having them installed. Are the doors stable? Do they close tightly? I do like the look a lot. I know they open out first then up. Is that a major problem or do you get used to it? I would appreciate constructive input. Thanks.